6 Mistakes That Could Compromise the Security of Your Garage

In many homes, the garage door is a weak spot when it comes to security. You can avoid a devastating burglary at your home by putting some thought into how you can make your garage more secure against intruders.

You can start by avoiding the following six mistakes that compromise garage security:

Leaving your windows uncovered so that your garage interior can be seen from the outside.

Covering garage windows can keep your valuable possessions out of sight. A lot of burglars will scope out homes to look for possessions that are particularly valuable before robbing a home.

If you've got notably valuable possessions like an expensive vehicle in your garage, it's a good idea to put some kind of blind or curtain over garage door windows so that the garage interior isn't visible.

Not having a mechanism in place that secures your garage door.

In some homes, it's possible to open a garage door from the outside just by lifting it up. Obviously, such a home can easily be broken into.

You should make sure that your garage door is secured and locked. For ultimate security, you can combine a programmable entry code with a manual lock like a padlock. 

Leaving a car parked in the driveway with a garage door opener inside.

It's easy to look inside a vehicle to determine whether or not there is a garage door opener clipped onto the visor. If you have a garage opener outside in your car, anyone who can get into your vehicle can easily open your garage door and get into your home. 

Take your garage opener inside with you so that it's always inaccessible to burglars.

Neglecting to have security features installed into your garage.

If you have a security system in your home, burglars will most likely just skip past your home and not even try to burglarize your property. 

Not setting a timer that will automatically close your garage door at certain times.

It's easy to forget to close your garage door when you're leaving home in the morning and you're running late for work.

You can prevent a moment's forgetfulness from compromising the security of your home with a garage door timer. Timers can be set to automatically close your garage door at a certain time so that even if you forget to close your garage door, it will close automatically after you've left. 

Having garage lighting that lacks motion detection features.

Motion detector lights easily scare away burglars. Burglars can't be sure whether you've got motion detection lights or you've seen them and turned the light on from inside the home. They'll therefore be likely to flee before following through with a burglary attempt. 

To learn more about increasing the security of your garage, contact companies like Affordable Garage Door Repairs.

About Me

Creating A Gorgeous Garage Door

When we decided to sell our place a few years back, I realized that there was one thing that was going to be a problem for buyers. Our garage door looked like it was from the turn of the century, but not in a good way. The paint was peeling, the panels were bent, and it just looked terrible. To avoid completely replacing the entire door, we decided to give our garage door a serious makeover. We painted the exterior, added some nice hardware, and replaced the opening device. When we were finished, it looked great and it actually acted as a focal point. Read more on this blog to learn how to create a gorgeous garage door.


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